Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013

Congratulations to Kenzie, Kiaora, and Robert for competing all weekend and earning so many medals. Because of their efforts, our school won this Fai-To! Yay!

Read 30 minutes and record your time!

Handwriting:  Earth's Features (Most completed this assignment in class.)

Math:  Worksheet 2-9

Social Studies:  "Lost Colony" comprehension due Wednesday.

Reflex (until you see a green light)

Assignments from last week- Please make sure that you have turned EVERYTHING in and that you FOLLOWED instructions for the assignments (especially the ones on Edmodo). Typing "Done" does not give you credit.

1.  Signed/returned passport
2.  Columbus and the Arawak comprehension 
3.  Math worksheet 2-5
4.  Intro to Earth's Features (Edmodo)
5.  Lost Colony (Edmodo)
6.  Tree Kangaroo Quiz
7.  Tree Kangaroo Writing Response (Studysync app)
8.  Tectonic Plate Puzzle (finished in class)
9.  Earth's Changing Surface Cornell Notes (class)
10.  Learn Zillion videos for rounding decimals (Edmodo)
11.  Study Jam Cornell Notes (Type a summary in Edmodo and bring your notes to class.)
12.  What is a Butte? (Edmodo) Your response must be turned in as an assignment AND posted in the replies under the assignment so that people can read your response.
13.  Math Worksheet 2-6
14.  Spelling pg. 113
15.  Spelling Crossword Puzzle
16.  Earthquake Blubbr Quiz (Edmodo)
17.  There were three times that I counted being on Reflex. You can do extra time to make up the missing work. If you are on the red alert list, you should do some extra time.

Reflex Red Alert List
Mikara, Nryah, Hector, Jason, Madilyn, Garrett, Anneke, Ty, Robert, Kenzie, Jagger, Jake, Emilia, Brook, Hailey, Treysen, Cecelia, Daniel, Genesis, Cris, Tanner, Kaitlynn, Madison, AJ