Saturday, April 20, 2013

What is Edmodo?

Edmodo is an online social learning network (SLN) made for teachers, students, schools, and parents. It is a secure network which allows teachers and students to connect, share content, access homework, participate in discussions and receive class information.

Edmodo is accessible online using any Internet capable device, such as a PC, Mac, tablet (iPad), and Smartphones (including Android devices and iPhones). Free downloadable apps allow students to quickly and easily access their account from any mobile device or computer and set up notifications within Edmodo to receive alerts via text or e-mail regarding important class assignments and reminders for upcoming events. Parents will also be invited to create their own account which will allow them to monitor their child's assignments, grades, and posting activity.

Edmodo will not be used as a social network like Facebook. The site will be used to discuss school-related content only, in an open forum design. Private student-to-student messaging is not a supported feature of Edmodo.

Students are expected to adhere to the following rules:
  1. Pay attention to your audience. All of your posts will be seen by all of the fifth grade students, teachers, Mr. Ichimura, and the D.A.R.E. officer. Only the posts that you send directly to Ms. King are private. You should only send posts directly to her if there's a problem, you have a question that cannot be answered by a peer, or want to confidentially report bullying or other issues.
  2. Do not address other students in your posts. For example say, "I respectfully disagree about..." NOT "I disagree with Sally about...."
  3. DO NOT USE OUR CLASS SITE FOR SOCIALIZING! Do not post a question like, "Hey, John, Steve, and Scott- Do you want to come to my party on Saturday? Save your personal business for IM, texting, or other social networking sites with your parent's permission.
  4. Stay Positive! You can debate and disagree with others without put-downs and making a person feel badly about their post.
  5. USE APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE! Do not use slang words such as "suck, gay, OMG, etc." Do not use text abbreviations.
  6. Write complete sentences.
  7. ·      Keep your privacy: no personal or identifying information about you, your family, or your friends. Don't give out last names, school name, phone numbers, user names, passwords, or places and dates of where you can be found.
    ·      Do not post information or pictures of others without their permission.
    ·      Make sure that any pictures that you use have subjects that are dressed according to Jordan School District's dress code. (No swimsuits, tank tops, shorts, etc.)
    ·      Make your comments worth reading.
    ·      Start a conversation. Discuss a connection that you have to the writer. Ask a question.
    ·      Be positive, interested, and encouraging.
    ·      If you disagree, be polite about it.
    ·      Stay on topic of the discussion and keep your comments school appropriate. Our purposes are educational - not a place to socialize.
    ·      Re-read your comment before you hit submit- think before you send!
    ·      Aim for correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
    ·      Use capitals in the right places: people's names, places, the beginning of a sentence, and on "i"- no evil i's.  Using all capitals is like yelling.
    ·      Punctuate properly: period at the end of a sentence, space after a period, comma, or end bracket. One "!" will do: you don't need a string of exclamation marks.
    ·      Don't use chat or texting language like lol, i, u.
    ·      No "Hi!" "Bye!" comments. Be thoughtful.
    ·      Remember, you are putting your best self forward, so polish your comments.
    ·      No plagiarism/copying! Please be sure to give credit where credit is due.
Students who violate the guidelines may face disciplinary action including, but not limited to : suspension of their Edmodo account, loss of computer privileges at school, detention, or suspension from school.

There are or will be additional tutorials for using Edmodo in Edmodo. If you have trouble getting in, please email me at or just wait until school starts. Don't panic! :o}